Over the last couple of years I have been shifting to using terminal clients to access the web more, due to most modern websites being bloated,buggy, poorly designed and distracting to the point where it is hard to absorb the information from the site and they are riddled with trackers and other spyware. On top of the problems with modern websites, a lot of modern web browsers kinda suck as well(only thing that has improved is their security). Now I'm going to challenge my self to use terminal clients as much as a possible can.
Up until recently I have used newsboat as my RSS feed reader however I have now switched to newsraft. RSS or Really Simple Syndication was developed back in 1999 by Netscape and was very popular in the early 2000's to around 2008 before social media became really popular and people switched to social media to subscribe\follow blogs, news sites and general content. Following sites via RSS is a bit better then using social media for many reasons. For one you are getting a raw feed that is listed by time posted and not just content that's either "popular" and "trending" or stuff that's been pushed to the top by the algorithm. Most major websites like YouTube and Reddit still offer RSS feeds, however they are often buried
I setup newsraft setup to open YouTube videos in MPV and websites either to open in w3m or qutebrowser.
About 75% of the time it will will display most websites fairly well however it takes some getting use to and some sites are a bit of a mess to navigate and others won't work at all(sites that need Java Script), in which case I will just open them in a regular browser. Some web forums load perfectly and others do not load so well and you can login and post stuff on most forums from w3m as well. For forums I typically follow them via RSS, then open whatever threads I am interested in w3m from newsraft. On some forums you can post on them from w3m, but most of the time its just easier to use a normal web-browser. E-Commerce sites and banking websites will not work in a terminal web browser as they depend on java script and their layouts won't work in a terminal web browser either.
ytfzf is a script used to search for YouTube videos in the command line. It will typical scrap search results from a random invidious instance and list them, and will play the videos in MPV. I like using this if I want to quickly look something up on YouTube. You can also subscribe to YouTube channel threw ytfzf as well, however I prefer to use and RSS feed reader instead.
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